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How to Raise Money Using Seamless.AI

headshot of Sidney Jones
Sidney Jones
November 28, 2022
Raise money using seamless - close up money shot

Seamless.AI is the #1 sales software but did you know you can raise money for your startup with this platform?

That’s right, while over 300,000+ sales and marketing teams use Seamless to scale their prospecting efforts if you’ve been trying to connect with the right investors, but you’ve had ZERO luck, this platform can be your secret weapon to getting in front of the people who can take your organization to new levels of growth. Don’t think it’s possible? Take a look at our CEO’s 20x Angel Investor Story. 

With record-breaking inflation, massive layoffs, and volatile markets, it’s harder than ever to keep your business above water. During times like these, funding can truly make the difference between failing (in fact, lack of funding is the #1 reason startups fail) and thriving.

If you want to learn how you can use Seamless to raise money, keep reading because we share essential fundraising strategies and tips for how you can leverage Seamless to get in front of that game-changing investor.

Venture Capitalists vs. Angel Investors

First things first, when it comes to raising money, there are several different ways you can get money to scale. You can take out a loan, you can raise money through crowdfunding sites, and you can even use your own personal funds. 

Two of the more common funding options are venture capitalists or angel investors. 

Angel investors will typically invest in a startup early on. Often, if you’re looking to work with an angel investor, you don’t even need a product or any sales yet. Some will put their personal money into your venture if you have an idea that has the potential to blow up.

By contrast, a venture capitalist is a professional investor (they usually work through a firm) who will invest in businesses that have already gained some traction in their market and have clear growth potential.

When choosing an investment option, consider where your business is at in terms of growth, your willingness to split equity, and also how much funding you need. Answering these tough questions will ensure you pick the right investment option for your business. 

Find the Cell Numbers of Any Investor With Seamless

You can’t raise money for your business if you don’t know who to reach out to. One of the worst pain points with raising money is not knowing who to connect with or how to get your business in front of the right people.

Historically, if you wanted to fundraise for your organization, you had to move in the same circles as whale investors. But with Seamless, all you need is a good wifi connection!

No matter what stage your business is at, or whether you’re looking to connect with venture capitalists or angel investors, with nearly 2 billion verified contact and company profiles, Seamless likely has the contact information of the investors you desperately need to get in front of today.

In case you aren’t familiar, Seamless is the world’s first and only real-time search engine for B2B contact data.

This platform uses artificial intelligence to not only research and compile, but also validate the emails, direct dials, and cell phone numbers of professionals anywhere in the world. 

With Seamless, you’re getting the freshest contact info on the market and also data that can be difficult to retrieve (if you thought it was impossible to find that one CEO’s email address you’ve been scouring the internet for, think again). 

If you have no idea who to contact, you can use countless search filters including “Industry” and “Title” to narrow down results and also exclude search terms with our Negative Keywords Search.

Additionally, you can input the information into Seamless that you do have, and we’ll fill in the gaps. With our B2B data enrichment software, we’ll supply you with any contact information you’re missing or update your outdated data.

And if you’ve got the names of the investors or investment firms you would like to work with, you can pull contact information directly from any linked websites and LinkedIn profiles with our Chrome Extension.

Seamless will then give you recommended contacts based on your searches. 

Build Lists of 100’s of Prospective Investors With Seamless 

If you want to get the funds to scale your business, you will need to build a list of every angel investor and venture capitalist who might take interest in your company and then sell to everyone on that list. 

If you can build the list, and sell to that list, you will never have to worry about where your business will get funding ever again. As you’re working to fundraise, Seamless will not only find perfect contact information of potential investors for you, but this platform will automate all your list-building work and your manual CRM data entry so you can spend time putting together a fire pitch to sell investors on your company. 

Building prospecting lists of 100’s, even 1,000’s of angel investors and venture capitalists may sound difficult, maybe even impossible. But with Seamless, it can be done in minutes. 

Build lists of hundreds of contacts and companies in seconds, get all their contact info instantly, and then automatically import these lists into your favorite CRM or spreadsheet. 

Sell Investors With Proven Scripts

Once you get the contact information of investors you would like to work with, leverage tested venture capitalist and influencer outreach scripts from our bestseller, Seven Figure Social Selling.

In your outreach scripts, you want to set yourself apart from the millions of other startups asking for funds, and you want to be able to demonstrate the value and potential of your product. In Seven Figure Social Selling, we share scripts to help you do just that. 

If you don’t think scripts are necessary for your prospecting efforts, take a look at this

Execute Maximum Activity

Once you write value-driven pitch scripts, your next priority is ACTIVITY, ACTIVITY, ACTIVITY. 

To raise money, you need to put in the maximum activity. The more activity you execute, the greater your chances of getting all the funding you need to 10x your business.

Reach out to anywhere between 25 to 100 investors daily and make sure you leverage every sales channel: social media, phone, email, and video. As a side note, we know this sounds aggressive, but trust us, reaching out to a larger volume of investors is the move that will get you funding as quickly as possible. In this economy, the faster you can get to the opportunity, the better. This means connecting with as many investors as you can and increasing your outreach efforts by 1% every day (gradual, yet consistent improvement adds up to HUGE returns in the long run). 

Start executing these strategies today and sign up for Seamless (it’s completely free) so you can raise the funds your business needs to thrive.

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